
Softer final hardness. Hydroactive impression material: The best option. While being applied impression materials repeatedly come into contact with moist surfaces. Here is where the positive benefits of hydroactivity become evident. Hydroactive Provil® Novo has excellent wetting properties but without absorbing liquid. Therefore no moisture is absorbed and the initial volume is guaranteed to remain constant. Hydroactivity improves: - The wettability of dental structures and the mucosa during impression taking. - The surface quality of plaster models. The result: - Sharp reproduction of every detail in every impression, including in moist environments. - Does not suffer volume changes caused by absorbing water. - Disinfectable - Dimensionally stable. Plaster models have smooth surfaces and are void-free. The system: For perfect temporal coordination: rapid and normal setting. New Provil® Novo convinces with its clearly improved quality and its increased range of indications. Provil® Novo components set new standards and meet all demands in terms of customisation and diversity of usage. The modular configuration of Provil® Novo viscosities, formulated to produce ideal combinations, ensures an optimal application in all clinical situations and for all impression-taking techniques. Additionally, the chance to select between fast and normal set options offers maximum time flexibility. Fast set: Saves time when used for typical situations, such as single crowns, small bridges and prosthetic work. Normal set: Allows enough time for large prosthetic restorations. Expiry date of 3 years.

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Vikt 2.00 kg
Dimensioner 13.00 × 13.00 × 15.00 cm

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Artikelnr: PC-2444

Provil Novo Putty mjukt och snabbt avtrycksmaterial – KULZER

1 965 kr Exkl. moms (2 456.25 kr inkl. moms)

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Base + Catalyst: 900ml

Leveranstid : 1 - 3 arbetsdagar

1 965 kr Exkl. moms (2 456.25 kr inkl. moms)

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